
About the Comic

"Erscheinungen, sofern sie als Gegenstände nach der Einheit der Kategorien gedacht werden, heißen Phaenomena. Wenn ich aber Dinge annehme, die bloß Gegenstände des Verstandes sind, und gleichwohl, als solche, einer Anschauung, obgleich nicht der sinnlichen (als coram intuitu intellectuali), gegeben werden können; so würden dergleichen Dinge Noumena (Intelligibilia) heißen." (Kant, KrV. A. 248-249)

The comic Noumena treats objects of pure thought by presenting to you, its reader, the tale of a journey through the land in which they reside. It celebrates the wonders of reason and the medium of comics.

The sharing of links to these comics is encouraged.

About the Author

The author has decided to remain, for the time being, anonymous. The author, however, appreciates receiving comments on their work, which can be sent to: A polite tone is encouraged, although missives of other variety might amuse the author.

Comic Resources

This website was made using the Bootstrap framework and Jekyll, a static site generator. The source code for the comic website was taken from here. It has, however, been modified by the author.